What To Expect From Therapy
Our role is to help you gain insights into your experiences, your reactions and behaviors and provide evidence-based treatment. Successful therapy happens when the theraputic alliance - our relationship - is cooperative and transparent.
One on One Therapy
When you first meet, your therapist will typically gather information about you and ask what concerns you’d like to work on. The therapist will likely ask you about your current and past physical and emotional health to gain a deeper understanding of your situation. Your therapist may discuss whether you might benefit from other treatment as well, such as medications. The first session is also an opportunity for you to interview your therapist to see if he or she will be a good match for you.
Confidentiality is one of the cornerstones of therapy. Therapists are required by law to disclose information to protect a client or a specific individual identified by the client from “serious and foreseeable harm.” During your first session your therapist will explain confidentiality and limitations. You will receive a written explanation detailing your rights and your therapists responsibilities.
Length of therapy can vary depending on your specific needs and circumstances. Some people come to therapy with a specific issue or concern, and brief solution-focused therapy may be the right fit. Often, that can last six to eight sessions. Some people come to therapy to explore issues that seem to run a little deeper. They might engage in therapy for several months or even years.
Therapy helps clients uncover strengths and learn new skills that will allow them to deal with the challenges that arise in life. A successful therapy experience does not mean a client is cured, it means the person has the inner and outer resources to deal with the ups and downs of life.
The Good News … It Works!!
Therapy is focused on your challenges. It’s also completely private. In therapy, you can speak freely, without fear that what you say will be shared – with anyone.
Additionally, therapists are trained to identify patterns and offer strategies and skills to work through them.
It’s ok. That’s why we’re here.
When people are unable to control their emotions, their responses may be disruptive, inappropriate or even harmful.
Anger, sadness, anxiety, and fear are just some of the emotions a person may have.
Therapists are trained to help you emotionally.
Therapy helps you understand what triggers your depression.
It not only helps you develop the right tools for finding your way out, but therapy also is an effective way to learn to regulate difficult emotions.

TherapyNow -
Here For You
Friendly Counselors, Convenient Location, Tele-Health Options
With flexible evening and weekend hours, TherapyNow offers immediate attention in a quiet, comfortable setting with significantly shorter wait times, lower costs, and better co-pay options.