Tired of the results in your life?
Who doesn’t have something they want to perfect about themselves.
Most people feel there is always something to be tweaked. initiating change requires awareness of behavior, acceptance of self, and desire to experience the unknown.
A psychological framework to describe individuals and has come to dominate the field is known as the Big 5. It has been known to successfully predict a range of human activity from financial decision to healthy lifestyle to political behavior. Using this tool to identify self and determine what and if there is anything an individual wants to change can be beneficial in moving from one pattern to another. A guide to the future self. The Big 5 Personality Traits are OPENNESS, CONSCIENTIOUSNESS, EXTRAVERSION, AGREEABLENESS and NEUROTICISM. (OCEAN)
People who enjoy the arts and new experience.
Vivid Imagination
Believe in Importance of Art
Experience Emotions Intensely
Prefer Variety to Routine
Like Complex Problems
Tend to Vote for Liberals
Study shows: People tend to become leaders
People are organized and keep going and going.
Complete Tasks Successfully
Like Order
Follows Rules
Works Hard
Gets Chores Done Right Away
Avoids Mistakes
Study shows: People who get ahead
Imaginative, Insightful, Creative
Persistent, Ambitious, Thorough
People with high degree of sociability and derive energy from others.
Make Friends Easily
Love Large Parties
Take Charge
Always Busy
Love Excitement
Radiate Joy
Study shows: Leadership quality.
Affectionate, Friendly, Assertive
People extend trust, get along well with others
Trust Others
Would Never Cheat on Taxes
Make People Feel Welcome
Easy to Satisfy
Dislike Being Center of Attention
Sympathize with the Homeless
Study shows: Positive attitude; Satisfied
Amiability; Warmth
People that are vulnerable to negative emotions – sadness, anger, fear.
Worry about Things
Get Angry easily
Often Feel Blue
Easily Intimidated
Panic Easily
Study shows: Less positive attitude toward future
Moody, Wary, Oversensitive
In Summary: Our basic personality traits are under strong genetic influence and are not easy to change.
Personality predicts behavior in many areas, including relationship, sexual behavior, and satisfaction. High neuroticism is clearly problematic in this context.
In contrast, agreeableness and conscientiousness are unambiguously positive qualities. Openness appears to play a minor role, and extroversion has a mixed-bag quality, with both positive and negative consequences for relationships.
Contrary to popular belief, personality similarity between spouses is not necessary for long-term relationship success.
Overall, the data suggest that those who are looking for a partner for enduring love and sex need not fixate on finding someone similar to them in personality.
Rather, they’d benefit from looking for a partner who’s agreeable, conscientious, and emotionally stable. An extroverted partner may prove a package deal: It’ll be fun, but it might not end well. An overly neurotic partner is an invitation to the blues.
Recognizing some of these character traits in yourself or your partner may make you fear for the long-term health and sexual happiness of your relationship. But it’s useful to remember that a person may decide to change, improve their habits, and better manage their hardwired personality tendencies through self-awareness, practice, and a desire to have their conduct express the values they deem worthy.
In the words of William Faulkner, a person can aspire to be better than himself and what better incentive to change and better ourselves than love?